Build the Best You: Nine Things to Stop Apologizing For

You’ve probably been told your entire life that there are certain things you should never apologize for. Asking questions, having feelings, and not being available always are a few of them. But what if we told you that there are quite a few more things you should stop apologizing for? Things like your accomplishments, how you look, and what makes you happy. Read on to find out why it’s time to stop apologizing for the things that make you unique and special. You have nothing to lose but the guilt and self-doubt that keep you from achieving your greatest potential. Here are nine things to stop apologizing for, so you can start living your life the way you want to.

Asking questions

In school, we’re often taught that there’s no such thing as a stupid question. But in the real world, it can sometimes feel like asking questions is taboo. Whether you’re at work or in a social setting, speaking up and asking questions can be seen as a sign of weakness or insecurity. But the truth is, asking questions is a sign of strength. It shows that you’re curious and want to learn more about the world around you. So next time you’re feeling too shy or embarrassed to ask a question, remember that there’s nothing wrong with being curious.

Not being available at all times

In today’s world, it’s expected that we be available 24/7. With technology always at our fingertips, it’s easy to feel like we should be working or networking even when we’re supposed to be relaxing. But the truth is, you can’t be available all the time – and you shouldn’t have to be. It’s important to take breaks and recharge, both mentally and physically. So if you need to step away from your devices for a few hours (or even a few days), don’t apologize for it. You deserve some time to yourself.


It’s perfectly normal to have feelings – after all, we’re human. But for some reason, we’re often told that it’s not okay to express our emotions. We’re taught to bottle things up and keep a stiff upper lip, even when we’re feeling sad, angry, or scared. But the truth is, it’s important to express your emotions in healthy ways. Suppressing your feelings can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. So next time you’re feeling down, don’t be afraid to let it out. Crying, journaling, or talking to a friend are all great ways to release pent-up emotions.

Vocalizing your needs

In our culture, we’re often taught that it’s not polite to talk about our needs. We’re supposed to be self-sufficient and independent, and asking for help is seen as a sign of weakness. But the truth is, we all have needs – and it’s okay to vocalize them. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak – it makes you human. So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to do something on your own, reach out and ask for help. The people around you will likely be more than happy to lend a hand.

Outgrowing a place or situation

As we get older, it’s natural for our interests and needs to change. But sometimes, we can feel like we need to apologize for outgrowing a place or situation – like a job, a relationship, or even a friend group. We might feel like we’re betraying someone by moving on, but the truth is, change is inevitable. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Just because you don’t fit in somewhere anymore doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It just means you’ve outgrown the situation. So next time you find yourself in this position, don’t apologize – just move on.

Your accomplishments

For some reason, we’re often taught that it’s not okay to talk about our accomplishments. We might feel like we’re bragging or being arrogant if we speak up about our successes. But the truth is, there’s nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements. You worked hard for them, so you deserve to celebrate them! So next time you land a new job, get a promotion, or achieve something significant, don’t be afraid to share the news. Your friends and family will likely be just as excited as you are.

Not looking "presentable"

In today’s society, there’s a lot of pressure to look “perfect” all the time. We’re bombarded with images of airbrushed models and celebrities with flawless skin, bodies, and hair. As a result, it’s easy to feel like we need to apologize for not looking “presentable” enough. But the truth is, you don’t owe anyone an apology for your appearance. You are perfect just the way you are – flaws and all. So next time you catch yourself apologizing for your appearance, stop and remind yourself that you are beautiful – just as you are.

Doing things that make you happy

In our culture, we’re often taught that we should put others’ needs before our own. And while it’s important to be considerate of others, we shouldn’t sacrifice our own happiness in the process. We deserve to do things that make us happy, even if it means saying “no” to someone else. So next time you find yourself in this situation, don’t apologize – just do what makes you happy.

Having boundaries

It’s important to have boundaries – both personal and professional. But sometimes, we can feel like we need to apologize for setting them. We might feel like we’re being rude or inconsiderate if we say “no” to someone. But the truth is, you have a right to set boundaries as you see fit. Just because you don’t want to do something doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. It just means you have different needs and preferences. So next time you find yourself in this situation, don’t apologize – just politely decline and move on.

All in all, there are many things that we often apologize for, but don't need to be. Asking for help, outgrowing a situation, celebrating our accomplishments and having boundaries are all things that we should feel confident about - not apologetic. Next time you find yourself apologizing for any of these things, stop and remind yourself that you have nothing to be sorry for. You are perfect just the way you are.


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