Fear – all of us will face it. There are different levels and various types of fear that we each must go through depending upon the situation at hand.
The fear I want to address here is – the fear within us on acting to succeed. Ahhh, success! We all desire it, we all want it, but to each one of us success is different. So simply by definition, our individual level and type of fear is different.
We have all heard the acronym F.E.A.R. Say it with me, “False Evidence Appearing Real.” That’s right. It has been around for generations. I have heard that all my life. So now what? How do we address our fear, particularly on succeeding?
I like to add humor to my life and have fun with challenges that I know are there. Challenges that cause me to pause because I am fearful of failure. Fearful of what others might think. Fearful of what others might say about me while I am hiding in my self-pity of shameful failure. I think not of the “old guard” acronym, I laughed with friends once when we said, “Forget Everything And Run.” We were laughing on the outside, but inside I was still fearful.
Then it hit me…
Fear – F. E. A. R. - Faithfully Embrace And Rise! Why? I know deep down that failures are just stepping stones to success. I know that if I fail, I still learned what not to do. I have gained in experience. I have gained in knowledge. Wisdom is simply the being in the state of being wise. I know that I have taken one more step along my journey of success. It feels awesome that I got knocked down, and yet, I rose again to keep moving. I will make a difference in my life and lives of others!
What are you afraid of? Your success? I encourage you go get knocked down, get back up, keep falling forward. Denzel Washington gave a great commencement speech on falling forward. What are you doing that is making a difference?
Denzel is just one example of success. He is famous by anyone’s definition, but what about people just like you? Ordinary people? What have they done that has made a difference?
Learn from others experiences from stories they share Dare to Be a Difference Maker, Vol 4, or Dare to Be a Difference Maker, Vol 5. The stories here are inspiring!
Inspire to Faithfully Embrace And Rise over your challenges!
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